We have not met in months. We fix a meeting via SMS. You make a little fuzz at first because I want to meet you in my neighborhood. You write this SMS: “I also always ask my friends to meet me right infront of my door”. I laugh a lot. I know that this is your kind of irony and that you laughed yourself when you wrote it. You always make me laugh. I sit in Café Dresden and wait for you. You will of course tell me – at great length and with great joy – all about the movie you have been shooting in Istanbul. You have the main role in a Turkish movie. We have practised, and you were perfect with the Turkish text – what a shame that in the end the dubbed you. It is summer and the sun is shining. I am still waiting for you. I don’t particularily like the movies of this Turkish director, but you will be gorgeous again, for sure. Soon you will star in a Belgian movie talking French. This will be easier for you. You can switch without any problem from English into German into French and – if necessary – also into Farsi. You are not that good in your mother tongue, you keep saying, but I am convinced that your Farsi is better than my German. I ask myself why you are being cast in so many international productions. First, you have this incredible presence infront of the camera which not a lot of actors have. I know you feel good now! Second, and I think this is much more important, you are in the true sense of the word a citizen of the world. This is very rare, but in your case I feel somehow that there is no special link to any particular nation. This is really strange, I think, but there is nothing German about you, your sense of humor is much to good for that (sorry, guys). And left from your Persian side are only some memories of your childhood. You are a sensitive, critical, political person you thinks about everything that happens in the world. That’s why I always tell you to write! Because you are such a good observer. You arrive. A guy from Kreuzberg tries to sell us a stolen Peugeot racing bike. You ask him: “Where did you get that bike?” He wants to act smart: “From France. They are much cheaper over there.” We laugh a lot. It is a beautiful day.