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Mike Lesser
Iphgenia Baal
Mike Lesser

People are frightened of you. It’s like as if Zombies were terrified of the living. They can sense your autonomy and they know, in a way that they do not frequently know things, that you are capable of any act that you determine upon. We are not aliens. We are examples of how far the envelope of humanity stretches. When you get older you will find that you can see in a person the processes that generate the lie that is their life. And you will come to see the same in yourself. I have a friend in his forties who is having a great deal of trouble with this deeper vision. Sadly it is not an illness and so there is no cure. This is what u can do. When, as we so often do, you notice that someone is lying recall that you are privileged to a deeper access than the literal. Understand the fragility of the normal person’s life and treat them very gently. It is terrible for a normal person to realize that someone knows more about them than themselves do.

Mike Lesser