Hanne Lippard (aka Hannelicious) is a smart young thing from Tronheim / Milton Keynes. the combo never fails to impress me. her icy stare and glistening smile give way to a warm yet disciplined voice. tones of guidance, a map which works, w/ cheeky diversions into spritz back allees she stares out of Passenger, into weekend haze. comforting come down with hi res latte humanism belies automation. zuckerbrot & peitsche. i met Hanne through Tara another great friend. they used to lived together and a few months later she was sounding my exhibition with Ancientisms and Beige. We once mused over a goth from Milan who subletted from me (i kicked him out) my favourite line from hanne is “all for a piece of precious gold, that was found in her anus” and the swirling chocolate stock footage Photo by Yeb Wiersma
John Holten. The name says it all. Well, actually not, if you don’t know John Holten it will say nothing, but once you meet John Holten, the name will say it all once you hear the name John Holten. To me, hearing the name John Holten, a strong image will appear in my mind. I’m not saying he is Messiah, Jesus, or Steve Jobs, I’m saying he is John Holten. John Holten wears a suit, sometimes not. John Holten wears a coral-blue towel on his head, but most often not. John Holten has a beard, most often always a beard with real honest substance. John Holten meets you in a cafe on a cold January day and tells you that you are the first person he encounters after having spent several months working in a warzone. Not figuratively, but literally, a warzone. John Holten, recently also went to Warzaw, not a warzone, but a rhyme, to play a character in a performance. John Holten was not in Warzaw to play John Holten, but something similar. John Holten played another person within the body of John Holten. But nevertheless I insist, on this strong honest fact: there is nothing but one John Holten. One Holten for one John. So, what do you say, how about meeting John Holten, soon? You should. You should put a face to the name, a figure to the sound. John Holten. I can highly recommend a meeting with John Holten, whether its January or June. Meeting John Holten is a pleasure, in both temperatures.
Photo by Pedro Jardim